Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Cold Buster

In the past weeks there has been a slew of colds, viruses and various other yuck going around. Tis' the season. Today I made a vitamin and protein packed soup that was amazing. Lentils and soy beans are packed with protein and kale is a great source of vitamin k and fiber (it also lowers cholesterol!).

Click "Read More" for the recipe!

Organic vegetable stock (4.5 cups)
Idaho potatoes (2 small-medium)
Fresh Kale (1 extra large leaf)
Red lentils (half can)
Soy Beans (1/4 cup Frozen)
Okra (1/4 cup Frozen)
Garlic (2 cloves chopped)
Olive Oil (4 tablespoons)
Cumin seed (1/4 teaspoon)
Sage (1/8 Teaspoon)
Curry power (1/8 teaspoon)
Black pepper (1/8 Teaspoon)
Salt (Season to taste)

In a large stock pot, add olive oil and heat on low- medium heat, add garlic when the oil has heat up. Next add the organic vegetable stock and potatoes with the black pepper and salt, boil this for 8 minutes. While the potatoes are boiling thoroughly wash kale, de-spine it and cut into smaller pieces and add to pot with the sage. Boil kale and potatoes for 10 minutes. Strain the lentil and wash them well to rinse off the additional salt. Add them to the pot and turn down the heat. Add cumin, okra, curry, and soy beans let cook for an additional 10 minutes. Serve immediately. 

The cook time will be about a half hour. Enjoy!


ALLIE NYC said...

Yes it is quite the nasty bug. I have not had it so far (knock on wood) this sounds great! I have a quick and dirty way I make chicken soup. I get cooked and spiced chicken breast, mixed frozen organic veggies, chicken stock, a can of crushed tomatos and a zucchini. Chop up the chicken and zucchni and mix everything up in pot let is simmer/stew for an hour and half and viola--Alicia's Quicky & Dirty ChickenSoup

Ali of:

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